The Awesome Engineering Company releases software products for usage by individuals, organizations, and companies. Usage of these software products is governed by one of the following specific licenses.
Please consult the specific software package for additional details.
Some of The Awesome Engineering Company products are released under the MIT License. This means that anyone is free to copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicenses, or sell copies of the software so long as they include the license file in the software.
You can read the text of our MIT License here: Awesome Engineering MIT License
Unless otherwise offered under the MIT License, the remainder of software offered by The Awesome Engineering Company is Dual Licensed. This means that users of the software may choose which license applies to them based on their needs with the software.
If you are just using the software and not redistributing our software in any form, you may choose to select the GNU General Public License v3 as the applying license for our software.
If you are planning to redistrubte our software you have two choices:
1). You want to open source your own software that includes ours: You may redistribute our software so long as you also release your own software that includes our software under the GNU General Public License v3 or a equally compatable license.
2). You do not want to open source your own software that includes ours: You must select the Awesome Engineering Proprietary License and are required to purchase an individual right to redistribute our software.
You can read the text of our GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) here: Awesome Engineering GPLv3
You can read the text of our Awesome Engineering Proprietary License here: Awesome Engineering Proprietary License
Anything else, including the content of all website owned and operated by The Awesome Engineering Company, is not available for re-use or re-distribution. Copyright 2018, The Awesome Engineering Comapny. All Rights Reserved.